Real estate loan

With Swishfund's real estate loan, you won't miss any more opportunities! Are you going to invest in new business premises or do you see another great opportunity in real estate. Then the real estate loan will provide you with the right financing in no time.

Vier verschillende ondernemers

What we stand for

Reliability comes naturally to us. For a fintech, we are easily accessible, with a go-getter mentality that sets us apart. We have an eye for every customer and with our no-nonsense approach, you always know exactly where you stand.


Net als jij geloven wij in snelheid en doorpakken. Daarom vraag je bij ons in 5 minuten een zakelijke lening aan en ontvang je het geld binnen 24 uur op je rekening.


Jij wilt snel en eenvoudig een lening aanvragen. Daarom vragen wij slechts minimale bedrijfsgegevens. Via een beveiligde bankkoppeling geef je eenmalig toestemming voor een veilige verbinding met je bank. Zo kun jij doorpakken en doen waar je goed in bent: ondernemen.


Wij houden van helderheid. Of het nou om onze tarieven, onze processen of onze dienstverlening gaat. Heb je vragen? Bel ons gerust, we helpen je graag verder.

What is real estate bridge financing?

Doing business means seizing opportunities. The market is constantly changing, which is why you have to seize opportunities as soon as you see them. One , also known as short-term financing, is then the perfect solution. This allows you to pre-finance your project while finalising the final financing with the bank.

  • Paid out within 3 days after approval
  • Up to €1,000,000 per UBO
  • From 0.67% interest per month
Excellent rated 4,8 / 5

Wij hebben al 7000+ ondernemers geholpen

Wij zijn erkend MKB-financier en daar zijn we trots op!

Horeca ondernemer trekt behang van muur

How does a loan for a self-employed person work?

Once everything is complete, the money will be deposited into your account within 3 days. The reimbursement is based on a percentage of the turnover or daily collection.As an entrepreneur, you borrow money to help your sole proprietorship move forward. We offer financing that suits your profile and situation. Our mission is to make the application process accessible and easy so that any self-employed person can easily make use of it if necessary.Applying for a loan as a self-employed person is easy online. To apply for a self-employed loan, you need a transaction overview of your current business bank account. Within 24 hours, your application for a self-employed loan will be reviewed. After these 24 hours, we will contact you to discuss the calculated credit space.

Repayment of a self-employed loan

To also make repayment as easy as possible, we offer 2 options: daily direct debit or automatic debit card processing. In most cases, direct debit will apply, but freelancers in the hospitality or retail sectors mainly benefit from credit froming.

Horeca ondernemer staat in zaak en kijkt om zich heen
Meubelmaker lacht tijdens het werken

Business lending as a self-employed person

We are here for entrepreneurs. That is why freelancers can also borrow money from us. A common obstacle for large funders is the application process, which is often lengthy and slow.

- Rentebetaling via dagelijkse incasso
- Terugbetaling aan het einde van de looptijd

Hoe werkt een vastgoedlening?

Een vastgoedlening geeft je de financiële ruimte om snel kansen te grijpen. Swishfund maakt het eenvoudig om jouw overbruggingskrediet te regelen.

Leen tot € 500.000,- per UBO, met looptijden van 3 tot 24 maanden. De aanvraag doe je eenvoudig online.

Vrijblijvend voorstel
Binnen 24 uur beoordelen we je aanvraag en neemt een medewerker contact met je op met een voorstel.

Uit- en terugbetaling
Na tekenen van het contract staat het geld binnen 24 uur op je rekening. Tijdens de looptijd betaal je alleen rente en los je het volledige bedrag aan het einde in één keer af.

Horeca ondernemer staat in zaak en kijkt om zich heen
Hulp nodig?

Wij staan voor je klaar!

Ons deskundige team helpt je graag bij het aanvragen van je zakelijke lening of bij vragen over de kosten van je zakelijke krediet en al het andere. Neem gerust contact op.

We zijn op werkdagen bereikbaar van 09:00 tot 17:30 uur

Hulp nodig?

Bel ons via: 085 064 4144
Medewerker met headset op
What are the conditions for applying for a loan?

We only provide to companies that are registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) in the Netherlands with a business bank account. In addition, you must be economically active for at least one year and have a turnover of at least €50,000 in the past year.

What does Swishfund do?

Swishfund is a recognized SME financier that has been supporting entrepreneurs in the Netherlands since 2016 with fast and accessible business financing, combining the efficiency of fintech technology with personalized service.

How much can I borrow?

We look at this per situation. We think it is important that you can afford the loan. Swishfund provides loans ranging from €3,000 to €500,000. We can calculate your credit space without obligation and free of charge.

When will I have the money in my account?

Once your application is completed and reviewed positively, we will deposit the money into your business account within 24 hours.

How does it work?

During the application, you can specify the desired amount, the term and purpose of the loan. In addition, we always ask you to upload a transaction summary of your business bank account in the MT940 file format. You can easily download such an overview from your bank's online environment. After we have calculated your credit space, we will contact you for the next steps. Depending on the size of the request, we need a number of additional documents.

How much do I have to pay?

The cost of your loan consists of a one-off closing fee and a monthly interest. The amount of these costs is percentage and therefore depends on the loan amount. The standard closing fee is 2% with a minimum amount of €650. The monthly interest is determined based on your company's risk profile. You will receive a final proposal after reviewing your application. To give you a clear picture of the costs for business loans, we have drawn up two examples, showing the possible costs in a so-called UKO (Uniform Credit Overview). See examples here.