Merel Nijland
As an entrepreneur, you are always busy dividing your time between fun and less fun tasks. A customer who doesn't pay isn't one of the things you like to do. This costs you time and energy that you could also have put into your core business.
More than half of SMEs have to deal with customers who do not pay their invoices or do not pay their invoices on time. As many as 82% end up not being paid at all. This leads to damages of up to €10,000. At 22%, the damage is even higher.
B2b invoices are paid late
Especially in the business-to-business sector, invoices are paid at the last minute or too late. These longer payment terms lead to problems. In many cases, these invoices must be pre-financed. And this in turn involves additional costs.
Let's say you ever start your own catering company because you're passionate about cooking. Then you get debtor management for free and for free. If you take a good approach to your debtor management, you can prevent unpaid invoices.
Tackling debtor management effectively
The stumbling block lies in the lack of knowledge. Knowledge of debtor management and associated administration. Makes sense! You want to focus on your expertise and make your company successful.
Nevertheless, approach your debtor management effectively! If you don't know or don't have time to do it yourself, let someone help you. It will save you a lot of time, money and energy if you have this properly arranged. Below, we share our 6 tips to help your customers pay on time.
Tip 1: Stay in touch with your customers
Make sure you stay in constant contact with your customers throughout the process. If you don't, the urgency to pay won't easily be felt.
Tip 2: Make appointments
This seems obvious, but does not happen enough in practice. Make sure you record every appointment with your customer in black and white. This can come in handy when a disagreement occurs or when things even get out of hand.
Tip 3: Invoice in parts.
Does your customer not comply with the agreements made or is there a payment problem? Try to find a solution as quickly as possible. Suggest billing the amount in parts. Make it attractive by working with a discount when payment is made on time.
Tip 4: Make payment as easy as possible.
You can send an invoice with a payment reference. Your customers must transfer this to you manually. But how nice is it if you can transfer the amount directly via a payment link. By making payment easy, you increase the chance of a quick payment.
Tip 5: Invest in a lasting relationship
By staying in touch with your customer and building a good relationship, the relationship can take a beating. The contact about payments can have a somewhat negative impact. Try not to be tempted by intense emotions. Always stay business and correct. Because you have invested in the relationship, payment will follow quickly.
Tip 6: Unnecessary “threatening” is counterproductive.
Although it's tempting, threatening something you're not going to do anyway isn't useful. Does your customer really not want to pay? Then transfer the file to a collection agency. Does he or she want to pay, but is unable to do it at the moment? Then decide whether or not to transfer the file. In this situation, it is best to come to a solution together.
Good luck with your debtor management! Can you use financial support? Then take a look at our options for a business loan or bridging loan. We are happy to help you out.